• Food
  • Behind the label


Behind the label

Worldwide, 60 percent of meat comes from industrial farming (Intensivhaltung/Massentierhaltung). If you want to change that, here are your alternatives.

Worldwide, 60 percent of meat comes from industrial farming (Intensivhaltung/ Massentierhaltung). If you want to change that, here are your alternatives

BIO (ORGANIC) All bio was not created equal. The Demeter label is said by many to be the best, but checking for the hexagonal state-controlled organic symbol (Bio-Siegel) is a good place to start. Animals are treated species-appropriate, fed organic feed and not given growth hormones or kept in over-crowded conditions.

NEULAND Free-range animal husbandry association that makes animal welfare their priority. Founded in 1988.

FREILANDHALTUNG Free-range chickens. Each bird is accorded 8sqm of outdoor space.

BODENHALTUNG Chickens kept indoors but not in cages (max. 7-9 animals per square metre). Beak filing to avoid animals injuring each other. Up to 6000 birds can be kept in one hall. (Since 2008, battery cages have been illegal in Germany; starting in 2012, all caging practices will be outlawed.)