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Berlin Elephant makes headlines for peeling bananas

Female Asian elephant Pang Pha is making international headlines after learning to peel bananas.

Get in line!

Waiting in line: Berlin’s most legendary queues

Queues are an important part of life in Berlin. For Berghain, for basic public services, to get […]

20 years of Exberliner

Berlin Blues to Marzahn, Mon Amour: 20 years of Berlin in 20 books

These 20 books - all published since Exberliner started - show the hopes, dreams, failures and fantasies […]


The EXB news briefing: September 12, 2019

In the German papers this week: an anti-gentrification protest to save Aldi, e-raids on e-scooters, SUV accident […]


John Riceburg: Gentrification for Berlin’s gorillas

John visits the spruced up home of some local gorillas and in the wildly political world of […]


John Riceburg: Pandas are the worst

Two new pandas have arrived at the Berlin zoo! John says: Meh.


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