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The new kids from Golzow: A Syrian fairytale in Brandenburg

Kids from Syria rescue a famous Ossi school, winning over locals' acceptance and affection deep in reputedly […]


Asylum greeters

Why refugees volunteer to help other refugees, the challenges they face, and how they feel about it […]


Sergey’s war

Picked up our Exile Politics issue on newsstands now yet? Hurry before the month is over and […]


Konrad Werner: There is literally no point to PEGIDA

Everything that the anti-Islam protests in Dresden are demanding is already in place in Germany.


Seymour Gris: Walls and death, past and present

An artist group has come up with the perfect provocation on the 25th anniversary of the fall […]


Konrad Werner: The purpose of the universe is to fuck over asylum seekers

The Green party abandoned its principles last week. Again. At the expense of asylum seekers. Again.


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